With Inserts, you can mount a board in a box. For example, Arduino’s, Raspberry Pi’s, ESP, and protoboards.
The mounting of the inserts is always done outside the circuit board because sometimes, the pins of components may protrude. If there’s a metal screw underneath, you’re immediately in trouble (short circuit).
The inserts are just extended to the outer dimensions of the board, which may mean there is no room for the connectors. Choose a larger box if you want to connect a USB plug to an Arduino.
2×1 Power board
A 2×1 Insert for a power board.
Download the STL file: Insert 2×1 Powerboard.stl
2×1 Relay Board Songle
A 2×1 Insert for a Relayboard with 1 relay.
Download the STL file: Insert 2×1 Relayboard Songle.stl
2×2 Arduino Uno
A 2×2 Insert for Arduino Uno or alternatives with the same form factor.
Download the STL file: Insert 2×2 Arduino Uno.stl
2×2 ESP32 Goouuu Expansion Board
A 2×2 Insert for an ESP32 Expansion Board from Goouuu.
Download the STL file: Insert 2×2 ESP32 expansion board.stl
2×2 ESP32 Goouuu Terminal Adapter .
A 2×2 Insert for an ESP32 Terminal Adapter from Goouuu.
Download the STL file: Insert-3×2-ESP32-Terminal-Adapter.stl
3×2 DIKAVS Proto Board.
A 3×2 Insert for a Proto Board from DIKAVS.
Download the STL file: Insert 3×2 dikavs board small.stl
3×2 Development board 60mm x 60mm.
A 3×2 Insert for a development board. The hole distance is 52 mm x 52 mm.
Download the STL file: Insert 3×2 PCB 52×52.stl
3×2 Arduino Mega.
A 3×2 Insert for an Arduino Mega or alternative with the same form factor. An Arduino Uno also fits. You don’t have to reprint if you want to start with an Uno and upgrade to a Mega.
Download the STL file: Insert 3×2 Arduino Mega Uno.stl
3×2 Relay 30 Amp.
A 3×2 Insert for a 30 Amp Relay. This insert is a 3 part print because of the terminals on 1 side.
Download the STL file: Insert 3×2 Relay High Power.stl
Download the mount STL file: Insert 3×2 Relay High Power mount.stl (Print 2x)
3×2 Raspberry Pi.
A 3×2 Insert for a Raspberry Pi.
Download the STL file: Insert 3×2 Raspberry Pi 3 Model B V1.2
4×2 MD04
Insert for the MD04 Motor driver.
Download the STL file: Insert 4×2 MD04.stl
4×2 Relay Board 8
Insert for a relay board with eight relays.
Download the STL file: Insert 4×2 Relay board 8.stl
5×2 Breadboard
Insert for a breadboard. The breadboard is mounted with double-sided tape. This probably will already be on the back of the breadboard when buying.
Download the STL file: Insert-5×2-Protoboard.stl